QL120 Shank

Mincon are o gamă completă de burghie DTH pentru a se potrivi tuturor tipurilor de aplicații și procese de găurire. Există o serie de modele diferite de capete de burghiu pentru tija QL120, iar tehnicienii de vânzări Mincon pot lucra cu dvs. pentru a determina designul ideal pentru aplicația dvs.

Caracteristici cheie și avantaje

  • Fabricat din oțeluri aliate premium.
  • Procese brevetate de tratament termic pentru a oferi durată maximă de viață și durată.
  • Strat de stres rezidual compresiv adăugat pentru a îmbunătăți rezistența la oboseală a metalelor.
  • Specificatii
  • Drill Bits
  • Documente
Specifications Metric Imperial
Minimum Hole Size 302mm 11 7/8"
Number of Splines 16
Height of Foot Valve Above Strike Face 70.4mm 2.770"
Length of Shank 180.9mm 7.12"
Bearing Surface Diameter 187.27mm 7.373"
Mincon DTH Hammer(s) XP120QL
Drill Bits

Note: The Part Numbers below require the Carbide Insert type code to be added on the end to complete them. For a combination of carbide inserts use the gauge row code first and then the face code.

Diameter Face Type Part Number No. x Button Dia (inch) Flushing holes Weight Approx.
mm inch Outer Inner Front Kgs. Lbs.
302 11 7/8" Concave 117QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 181.1 399
305 12 Concave 12QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 184.3 406
305 12 Flat 12QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 184.3 406
311 12.25 Concave 122QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 189.3 417
311 12 1/4 Flat 122QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 189.3 417
317 12 1/2 Concave 124QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 190.2 419
317 12 1/2 Flat 124QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 190.2 419
327 12 7/8 Concave 127QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 21- 3/4" 3 193.9 427
327 12 7/8 FF 127QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 21- 3/4" 3 193.9 427
330 13 Concave 13QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 195.7 431
330 13 Flat 13QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 6 - 3/4" 19- 3/4" 3 195.7 431
349 13 3/4 Concave 136QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 9 - 3/4" 34 - 3/4" 3 203.8 449
349 13 3/4 Flat 136QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 9 - 3/4" 34 - 3/4" 3 203.8 449
355 14 Concave 14QL120C32 12 - 3/4" 9 - 3/4" 34 - 3/4" 3 222.9 491
355 14 Flat 14QL120F32 12 - 3/4" 9 - 3/4" 34 - 3/4" 3 222.9 491
381 15 Concave 15QL120C35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 236.5 521
381 15 Flat 15QL120F35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 236.5 521
394 15 1/2 Concave 154QL120C35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 244.3 538
394 15 1/2 Flat 154QL120F35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 244.3 538
400 15.75 Concave 156QL120C35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 246.1 542
400 15.75 Flat 156QL120F35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 246.1 542
406 16 Concave 16QL120C35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 248.3 547
406 16 Flat 16QL120F35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 248.3 547
419 16 1/2 Concave 164QL120C35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 251.1 553
419 16 1/2 Flat 164QL120F35 15 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 35 - 3/4" 3 251.1 553
432 17 Concave 17QL120C38 18 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 51- 3/4" 3 280.6 618
432 17 Flat 17QL120F38 18 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 51- 3/4" 3 280.6 618
438 17.25 Concave 172QL120C38 18 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 51- 3/4" 3 281.9 621
444 17 1/2 Concave 174QL120C38 18 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 51- 3/4" 3 283.3 624
444 17 1/2 Flat 174QL120F38 18 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4" 51- 3/4" 3 283.3 624
457 18 Concave 18QL120C38 18 - 3/4" 12 - 3/4"

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