QL60 Shank

Mincon are o gamă completă de burghie DTH pentru a se potrivi tuturor tipurilor de aplicații și procese de găurire. Există o serie de modele diferite de capete de burghiu pentru tija QL60, iar tehnicienii de vânzări Mincon pot lucra cu dvs. pentru a determina designul ideal pentru aplicația dvs.

Caracteristici cheie și avantaje

  • Fabricat din oțeluri aliate premium.
  • Procese brevetate de tratament termic pentru a oferi durată maximă de viață și durată.
  • Strat de stres rezidual compresiv adăugat pentru a îmbunătăți rezistența la oboseală a metalelor.
  • Specificatii
  • Drill Bits
  • Documente
Specifications Metric Imperial
Minimum Hole Size 152mm 6"
Number of Splines 12
Height of Foot Valve Above Strike Face 59.1mm 2.325"
Bearing Surface Diameter 91.7mm 3.611"
Mincon DTH Hammer(s) 6DH, 6DH-LV, 6BH, MQ60, MQ65, MQ68
Drill Bits

Note: The Part Numbers below require the Carbide Insert type code to be added on the end to complete them. For a combination of carbide inserts use the gauge row code first and then the face code.

Diameter Face Type Part Number No. x Button Dia (inch) Flushing holes Weight Approx.
mm inch Outer Inner Front Kgs. Lbs.
150 5 7/8 Concave 57QL60C58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 22.7 50
152 6 Concave 60QL60C58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 22.7 50
152 6 Flat Face 60QL60F58 8 - 5/8 8 - 5/8 2 22.7 50
152 6 Convex 60QL60V58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 23.2 51
156 6 1/8 Concave 61QL60C58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 23.2 51
156 6 1/8 Concave 61QL60C50 10 - 5/8 6- 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 23.2 51
156 6 1/8 Convex 61QL60V58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 23.2 51
156 6 1/8 Concave 61QL60C38 8 - 3/4 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 23.6 52
159 6 1/4 Concave 62QL60C58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 23.6 52
159 6 1/4 Concave 62QL60C38 8 - 3/4 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 24.1 53
165 6 1/2 Concave 64QL60C58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 24.5 54
165 6 1/2 Concave 64QL60C335 8 - 3/4 4 - 3/4 4 - 5/8 2 25 55
165 6 1/2 Flat Face 64QL60F38 8 - 3/4 8 - 5/8 2 25 55
165 6 1/2 Convex 64QL60V359 9 - 3/4 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 3 25 55
171 6 3/4 Concave 66QL60C58 8 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 2 25.4 56
171 6 3/4 Concave 66QL60C335 8 - 3/4 4 - 3/4 4 - 5/8 2 25.4 56
171 6 3/4 Concave 66QL60C39 9 - 3/4 6 - 5/8 5 - 5/8 3 25.4 56
171 6 3/4 Convex 66QL60V359 9 - 3/4 4 - 5/8 4- 5/8 3 25.4 56
171 6 3/4 Flat Face 66QL60F30 10 - 3/4 12 - 5/8 2 25.4 56
178 7 Concave 70QL60C39 9 - 3/4 6 - 5/8 5 - 5/8 3 26.3 58
178 7 Flat Face 70QL60F39 9 - 3/4 11 - 5/8 3 26.3 58
190 7 1/2 Concave 74QL60C39 9 - 3/4 6 - 3/4 5 - 3/4 3 30.4 67
190 7 1/2 Flat Face 74QL60F39 9 - 3/4 11 - 3/4 3 30.4 67
197 73/4 Concave 76QL60C50 10 - 5/8 4 - 5/8 8 - 5/8 2 32.7 72
200 7 7/8 Concave 77QL60C39 9 - 3/4 6 - 3/4 5 - 3/4 3 33.6 74
200 7 7/8 Convex 77QL60V39 9 - 3/4 6 - 3/4 5 - 3/4 3 33.6 74
203 8 Concave 80QL60C30 10 - 3/4 6 - 3/4 7 - 3/4 2 34.1 75
203 8 Convex 80QL60V39 9 - 3/4 6 - 3/4 6 - 3/4 3 34.1 75
216 81/2 Concave 84QL60C30 10 - 3/4 7 - 5/8 12 - 5/8 2 35.9 79
219 8 5/8 Concave 85QL60C30 10 - 3/4 6 - 5/8 12 - 5/8 2 36.8 81
222 8 3/4 Concave 86QL60C30 10 - 3/4 6 - 5/8 12 - 5/8 2 36.8 81
Foot Valve 9046

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